10 January, 2007

he was born in a dark wood...

Brenden Clenaghen: Artist, Curator Haunted

How did you get into curating? In order to contextualize a project the Blood Rainbow Family wanted to present.

You have been at it for how many years and approximately how many shows? One year. One show.

How do you define the role of curator? 1.Pick a number of things that have a specific resonance 2. Arrange them so that the resonance is compounded

Favorite part of the curatorial role? The creation of a temporary community of artists.

Years in Portland (in your current role)? Since 1999 in my current incarnation. I was birthed in a dark Oregon wood though.

Is it different curating in Portland? Lots of space, little money.

What gets your attention? Work that is initialy confouding.

What are you reading? Maya Deren- Divine Horsemen, Mike Kelley- the Uncanny

What are you listening to (music)? The Stooges- "Funhouse" (remastered): I dream of Iggy writhing on the ground. Alice Coaltrane-"Univeral Conciousness": Beautiful free music.The Fix-"At the Speed Of Twisted Thought": '80-'81 hardcore punk from Lansing, MI Annette Peacock- "I'm the One": Homemade electronics meet torch singing. Get Hustle-"Rollin' In the Ruins": Angela Carter as filtered through the MC5. PDX's best.

What are you looking forward to most in 2007? To see how all the activity in 2006 shakes down.

Favorite shows in 2006? Anna Fidler at P/D. The Perfect Medium at the Met. (yes, I know it ended Dec. 2005) The California Biennial (particularly Tim Sullivan and Sterling Ruby). Will Rogan at Small A. Natascha Snellman at Art Center (MFA thesis show). Antyhing with Patrick Hill

What did the Portland art scene do well in 2006? Where does it need work? It continued to move forward. I can't tell if it needs more unity or more division.

What is your best advice for an artist? Less chatting more making.

If you had to choose, what 3 pieces of art would you pick? Caravaggio's " Narcissuss", Marina Abramovic's- Chair for Departure &, The Rothko Chapel

What are you watching? Fassbinder's Whitey, Douglas Sirk's Imitation of Life; and ;Written on the Wind; Dark Shadows vol. 19

Who are your heros? My friend Katherine who is in Africa with the Peace Core and my brother who came out at, like, the age of ten and never looked back.

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