31 January, 2007


In the life, the objectives which one lays down have a priority importance. Yours imply the recourse to not very orthodoxe methods. You need also to rejoin the greatest number of people to your cause. Blow, you make pass your personal interests after your new conscience of the collective. 17, the New moon reveals a new order, and it is you who hold the rudder.
The 21, Venus is given the responsability to sublimate your beauty.
To remain faithful to yourself seemed more important forever. That it is about love, of practical life or simple pleasures of the existence. The events around the eclipse out of Ram of March will start on your premise a serious review of detail.
Later, you will say good-bye to familiar arrangements and will explore other possibilities. Await the developments of mid-May to make a decision: they will point the way towards the future. Certain changes are practical. However, you will decide that it is time to widen your horizon by the study, voyages or even spirituality.seek council near people whom you respect but base your choices on a conviction, and not on what the others consider wise.Certain proposals are perfectly honest but deserve a small investigation. If there or patience is no time to you, seek of the assistance near quite informed people. You will gain to listen to their councils, even if you do not like them.

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