02 April, 2007



The month begins almost silently, akin to a tiny kitten walking with her soft little paws over newly fallen snow. Mars, Aries' ruling planet, will tour one of your most hidden parts of your chart: your twelfth house, and this will be the case until May 15. If you make a big decision or commitment this month, you might decide to keep it to yourself for a while until all the details are in place.

A relationship that you care deeply about will reach a major culmination in early April. Your star power - and magnetism - will be strong, so chances are, you'll like the sudden, unexpected developments. Venus will be doing her job to make you a magnet for compliments, invitations, and maybe even kisses. All things considered, you've got it made!

If you aren't sure that a certain relationship is right for you, near April 2 you'll have to decide. Keeping to the status quo has never been "you," dear Aries. You want to see progress, and rightly so - forge ahead. A hard breakup is very unlikely. In fact, if you've been dating seriously, you may decide to get engaged just in time for your birthday.

Over the past year, you've come to have a better idea of the kind of partner that would make you happy. Saturn has made you more practical and realistic, and although at times this new realism may shake some of the stardust out of your eyes, your newly acquired perspective will give you a big boost toward romantic success.

As an Aries, you are an independent soul and quite a self-starter who likes the idea of having the upper hand, so the idea of coming together as equals in a romantic relationship may feel a little new for you. Your partner will, of course, find this mighty attractive though, and may see this as evidence of your evolving maturity. If you are ready to make a commitment, then do - this full moon, in marriage-minded Libra on April 2 - will coax you to take the leap. There is no reason to wait.

Your very best moment will come at the new moon in Aries, April 17, which will put control in your hands. How so? Up until now you've had to find a way to fit in with everyone else's plans and schemes. If you even tried to push through your own agenda, you were met with a lot of opposition. That's about to change now, and others will be more likely to meet you half way, and at times, even open up a clear path for you.

It will be important that at the new moon April 17 you are ready to make public all your new plans. Launch your biggest endeavors at that time, both personal and professional in nature, and you'll find success. You'll be ready to do something daringly different, too, as a new moon in Aries is very pioneering. You will want to express your personality assertively. Wait for the second half of April to do so, for if you do, your timing will be right.

You career may make a big leap forward from April 19 onward, thanks to Saturn going direct speed for the first time in months.

Be careful not to have a meltdown on April 29 when you may learn a secret that someone tried hard to keep from you. When you find out what's been going on, you are likely to become very angry. Be philosophical - be glad to know the truth, for now you'll see the character of this certain someone and can plan your life accordingly.

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