28 April, 2007

Be careful not to have a meltdown on April 29 when you may learn a secret that someone tried hard to keep from you. When you find out what's been going on, you are likely to become very angry. Be philosophical - be glad to know the truth, for now you'll see the character of this certain someone and can plan your life accordingly.

27 April, 2007

sympathy for the devil

i like you..


**CELLAR DOOR CD0032 – UG, CDR single. Only Available here!!!*** Previously unreleased incantations - Night Hawks & OB-TV from the Basement Sessions. Two Dark Cozmik gemz for the true headz with ritualistic beats, thumping bass lines and eerie hypnotic synths. Night Hawks is the Mystik Trvcker anthem. A dirty and spaced out jam. On this one DEZ barks about flesh lust and radical cancer cells. The listener will be entranced by OB-TV. A creepy wave lullaby - a twisted bed time story. In this chapter VEE introduces us to Oblivia, her midget droids, and her nasty scheme. Those who have been following VEE & DEZ on their ghost chase will have to have this installment. As always with CELLAR DOOR this clandestine release is hand numbered and very limited. Comes with 3 Badges – “Cozmos”, “Cult”, and “No Rest"

26 April, 2007

23 April, 2007

little britain

Brooklyn Beckham

Brooklyn Beckham, 8, attended the christening of Bluebell Madonna Halliwell in London on Sunday.

22 April, 2007



Vous voilà d’humeur plus introspective que d’habitude. Juste au moment où on vous pousse à participer à une multitude d’activités, voire à vous donner en spectacle. Heureusement, vous avez une nouvelle aptitude : cultiver une vie intérieure riche tout en tenant vos engagements extérieurs. Jupiter rétrograde, le 6, renforce votre système de valeurs. Le 17, la nouvelle Lune provoque une rencontre amoureuse ou un partenariat. Toute l’année, vous aurez à cœur de préserver votre karma intact et pur, de suivre votre intuition et d’éviter le conflit. Vous faites bien : refuser de travestir la réalité, c’est l’apprécier à sa juste valeur.

Des activités que vous pratiquiez jusque là en dilettante risquent de tenir une place plus importante dans votre vie. Avec Uranus l’excentrique, vous allez tout à coup vous intéresser aux disciplines les plus pointues, du type le yoga de la cuisine française ou les sports extrêmes pour seniors, voire l’astrologie de la mode (un comble !). Côté cœur, un étranger pourrait (re)faire surface aux alentours du 6.

ami tallman

183: The Missing Parents Bureau


183: The Missing Parents Bureau
Stories about the legacy of absent parents. We hear four cases from the files of the Missing Parents Bureau.

Ira talks with Cate, a white woman with a black adopted seven-year-old son, Glen. Sometimes Glen threatens that he's going to return to his real family — royalty, in Africa. The only thing is, Glen's not adopted from Africa. He's adopted from Chicago. But this is the way it goes: Even if there are real parents out there somewhere, sometimes it's more comforting for a kid to believe in a fantasy. (4 minutes)

Case One. Better Left to the Imagination.

Most sperm banks provide all sorts of information about their donors: education level, medical background.... They even have videotaped interviews and recorded answers to essay questions. But not all clients take advantage of this information. In fact, lots of women choose to avoid it. Reporter Alix Spiegel talked with single women who were planning to get pregnant with the help of a sperm bank, and found that they all wrestled with the question of how much they wanted to know about the father of their kid ... and how much they wanted their kids to know. Alix's story was produced in part with a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. (20 minutes)

Song: " Life Without a Father," Travolta W., Kevin G. and Keith L. (Recorded in Chicago's Audi Home Juvenile Detention Facility, this song was part of a show put on by Chicago's Music Theater Workshop.)

Case Two. Tell it to the Void.

We hear a series of letters that originally appeared on the brief-lived, little-known, but well-loved webzine Open Letters. They're written by a woman who signs her name as \"X\" and are addressed to the father of her adolescent son. X has no idea where to send the letters ... but she keeps writing. Since the letters' original publication on the Internet, X has decided to reveal her identity. Her name is Miriam Toews, and her book is called Swing Low, A Life. Her letters were read for us by Alexa Junge. (17 minutes)

Case Three. I'm an Orphan; Don't Tell My Mom.

When Starlee Kine was a kid, she wanted to be a child star so bad she signed up for an acting class with a famous acting teacher named Kevin McDermott. One of the class' exercises was to develop a character with a troubled past, and a real psychologist would come in for a session of character group therapy. Starlee chose to take on the character of an orphan. In fact, Starlee remembers that everyone else in her class did too. Twenty years later, she visits her old acting teacher in Los Angeles and discovers that for some reason, kids today don't want to be orphans. (9 Minutes).

Case Four. Runaway Mom.

In Seattle, Dan Savage and his boyfriend adopted a son, DJ. It was an open adoption, so the birth mother could keep in touch with her kid. But things haven't gone according to plan. Dan Savage has a book about adopting DJ, which this story is not part of, called The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant. (6 Minutes)

Song: " Don't Cry, Daddy," Elvis Presley

21 April, 2007

Acquainted With The Night

I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain -- and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
O luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night

by Robert Lee Frost

2007 MFA Open Studios

Art Center College of Design, South Campus
2007 MFA Open Studios
Saturday, April 21, 2007 from 4 to 10 pm
950 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena, CA 91105

Art Center College of Design is pleased to announce its 2007 MFA Open Studios, to be held on Saturday, April 21 from 4 to 10 pm. Works presented in all media by the 28 current MFA candidates will exemplify the critical discourses and production methodologies of this internationally preeminent MFA program.

Graduate work in individual studios will be on view and a continuous program of video and film work will be screened for the duration of the event. Additionally, MFA candidates Barry Johnston and Christopher Michlig will have work on view in the south campus graduate galleries.

Be sure to check out Bobbi Woods, Eduardo Consuegra
Heather Cook,Devon Oder, Michael Rey, Adam Miller,
Deborah Satter,Andy Walker & Cal Crawford's work!!


20 April, 2007

violet hour

At the violet hour, when the eyes and back
Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits

Like a taxi throbbing waiting

19 April, 2007

the king of kink

30 April
Helmut by June, a portrait of Helmut Newton
7 pm ET/PT on CINEMAX.

17 April, 2007

Richard Tuttle

Richard Tuttle bought a small drawing from Agnes Martin in 1963. Tuttle was at the time 22 years old and headed into the U.S. Air Force. The drawing he bought consisted of 210 vertical and horizontal ink lines on a 9-by-9-inch square of paper. "I remember asking myself," he says, "what the difference was between graph paper and Agnes's grids." Martin also recalls that meeting in 1963 and adds another detail. "He took a while to pay for it, and that's how we became friends."

22 april - 30 July 2007
MOCA Grand
Los Angeles


The function of a child is to live his own life - not the life his anxious parents think he should live, nor a life according to the the purpose of the educator who thinks he knows what is best. All of this interference and guidance on the part of adults only produces a generation of robots. - A.S. Neill

Maison Martin Margiela

1-9 Bruton Pl., W1J, 011-44-207-629-2682.

803 Greenwich St., nr. Jane St.; 212-989-7612

15 April, 2007


Louise Nevelson

The artist Louise Nevelson said she didn’t believe in reincarnation, but late in life, when an interviewer asked her whom she would like to come back as, she answered without hesitation, herself.

Fame came to her belatedly. She was 60 when the 1959 Museum of Modern Art exhibition “Sixteen Americans” enshrined her along with rising stars like Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and Frank Stella (all younger than her by at least a quarter-century). Most women, as they age, cling tenaciously to a few well-honed looks. Nevelson made old age the stage for a fashion revolution. Gradually, her full-blown style emerged, an immense collage whose elements were subject to miraculous transformations — the head scarves and multiple pairs of false eyelashes, the ethnographic jewels and enormous furs, the couture garments layered under and over peasant clothing.

There’s the sculptor, at 81, smoking cigars with her dealer Arne Glimcher on the roof of her Spring Street home. She’s wearing a voluminous, ruffled and spangled robe made for her by the couturier Arnold Scaasi. She sports an Inca-style necklace; two enormous disks hang from her earlobes, and her entire ensemble is topped off with a jockey cap. (What is that rule of good taste? Before leaving the house, you remove one thing?)

In most photographs, it’s impossible to tell exactly what she’s wearing — the layering of glimmering bits of exotic fabrics and utilitarian garments, the unexpected juxtapositions, create a sense of utter uniqueness, an indefinable luxury. It’s a look that’s at once out of time and uncannily of this moment — furs over jeans, pants under dresses, riots of pattern and color. Nevelson “wanted to look dazzling at all times,” Scaasi remembers. “I’d show her a blue-and-silver brocade with big gold birds all over it,” the designer recalls, “and she’d say, ‘Oh, that’s perfect for Miss America’ — meaning herself. We’d make the suit, thinking it would be for evening, but then she’d be giving lectures in it at 10 a.m.” Glimcher told me recently that “she used to say, ‘I’m an atmospheric dresser,’ ” as if by piling on the clothes she could invent her own personal weather.

Nevelson paid a price for her stylishness — other artists mistook her for a bourgeois girl who was slumming, neglecting her almost preternatural energy for work in the years when she regularly woke before dawn to enter her studio, pausing only to dine on sardines and stale bread. In fact, her talent for self-dramatization seems both a reflection of the intensity of her drive and a cover for the deep vulnerability that went with it. Eventually her mature look (photographed by everyone from Cecil Beaton to Robert Mapplethorpe) became a public brand, as much as Warhol’s helmet of white hair and affectless demeanor. “She was a real innovator,” observes Brooke Kamin Rapaport, the guest curator of the Jewish Museum’s retrospective, “not just in creating her work but in her understanding of artistic celebrity.”

*excepts from ny times article by LESLIE CAMHI

The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend,” opening May 5 at New York’s Jewish Museum, showcases her monumental assemblages and pioneering, room-size environments made of found wooden objects, painted black, white or gold, and rendered infinitely mysterious.

14 April, 2007


to love....

13 April, 2007

marching toward a manifestation

Every moment of every day, you have these forks where you can go closer toward something that you want or further from something that you want.

You want to demand the world give you what you want. And we say, the world cannot give you what you are demanding. The world is giving you what you're deserving. The world cannot give you what you're demanding; the world is giving you what you're offering vibrationally and nobody can change what you're offering vibrationally - but you. We think the reason that you may not be very good at it, yet, is because you want to change too much, too fast. You want the manifestation to change, right now. And we want you to just take this opportunity to mold your vibration. Because as you take this opportunity to mold your vibration and this one and this one and this one and this one, not only do you feel better along the way, not only do you have more friendly clerks across the counter, not only do you uplift rather than make people feel terrible, you feel better along your way. Your journey is brighter and brighter. And ah, the manifestations that reach out to you, the people that you rendezvous with, they are equivalent to the vibrational forks that you take in the road.

You are the creator of your own reality because you are the chooser of the thought right now. Don't be hard on yourself. If you're standing in a place where you've been chopped off at the knees, where you've been hit in the gut, where you're feeling awful, don't feel bad. Don't beat up on yourself for not being able to choose the best thought you've ever thought. Just choose the best thought you can find from where you are, In other words, just fork off gently in the direction of what is important to you. And before you know it, your path will get brighter and sweeter and brighter and sweeter. And the people who watch you will say, "You know, you amaze me. Things go well everywhere you go. Why is that so?" And you say, "I've come to expect it." And many of them will say, "Agh." They don't want to hear how you expect things to go well. They'll say, "Oh, that's because you're rich. Oh, that's because you have an entourage that travels with you." We promise you, no entourage can buck your current. There is no one in the world who can prepare your path for you, you see. You are all as rich as everyone else because you all have the resources of the Universe at your fingertips. And when you take the time, when you care enough to take the time to find the better-feeling thought, now, you're moving toward something that will please you.

Every step you take, you are marching toward a manifestation. And if you feel good while you're stepping - you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to delight you when they get there. And if you are ornery, if you're unhappy, if you are frustrated, if you are blameful, if you are angry, if you are hateful, if you are revengeful, if you are fearful, if you are depressed - you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to augment that feeling of depression, of anger, of frustration. In other words, the way you feel must net you more stuff that feels like the way you feel.

The better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the worse it gets; the worse it gets, the worse it gets. You cannot defy the Laws of the Universe. please give it up! Stop trying to use your words and your action for the stuff that attitude, mood and vibration are to do. In other words, mold yourself into place. Do the vibrational work before you do the action work; the action work will be a fraction of what it has been.

If you take the time to do the vibrational work first, you won't have to offer nearly as much action. You'll begin to discover that the things that are important for you just unfold for you because the Universe is at your fingertips. The fairies of the Universe are there for you. You are the center of an enormous entourage that means to please you.

And when you, through your magnificent deciphering of contrast, give birth to a rocket of desire, that rocket of desire is duly noted, understood and absolutely agreed with by all of the resources of the Universe. And now all you've got to do, is to get in the vibrational compliance with what you are asking for. (Isn't that nice to know?)

Can I find a thought right now that feels a little better than the thought I've been thinking? That's all Step Three is. Finding a thought that causes me to feel a vibration (or a feeling) of relief. So, there is allowing of what I want or disallowing of what I want. There is allowing of what I want or resisting what I want. You are either practicing the art of allowing or the art of resisting. When you're forking off toward things you want, you're practicing the art of allowing. When you're forking off to things you don't want, you're practicing the art of resistance. And every day and every moment of your life experience is a perfect reflection of how you've been forking. (Good.)
I think I feel a little hurt.
My fists are turning coal to diamonds.
Why no one told me so much work
Would all go into tryin'?
Oh, but those feelings ain't this strange.
How some things never change.
Well, nobody's perfect.
And I knew better

I thought about it 'til my head hurt.
I thought about it but it only made things worse.
I thought about it 'til my head hurt.
I thought about it but it only made things worse.

So I was wrong.
What could I do?
I knew all along.

I'm a fool for you...

*the gossip

09 April, 2007

The mythology of the American West

The Director's Series: Conversations with Michael Govan
Diana Thater
Thursday, April 12, 7:30 pm
Leo S. Bing Theater

Artist Diana Thater joins Michael Govan for a discussion of the mythology of the American West. The role of art and film in promoting or challenging the romantic notion of the West will be explored through images from LACMA's collection and the exhibition The Modern West: American Landscapes, 1890-1950.

Free, tickets required (available at the LACMA box office: 323 857-6010).

08 April, 2007

Du côté de chez Swann

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
La contradiction que c'est de chercher dans la réalité les tableaux de la mémoire, auxquels manquerait toujours le charme qui leur vient de la mémoire même et de n'être pas perçus par les sens. La réalité que j'avais connue n'existait plus. Il suffisait que Mme Swann n'arrivât pas toute pareille au même moment, pour que l'Avenue fût autre. Les lieux que nous avons connus n'appartiennent pas qu'au monde de l'espace où nous les situons pour plus de facilité. Ils n'étaient qu'une mince tranche au milieu d'impressions contiguës qui formaient notre vie d'alors; le souvenir d'une certaine image n'est que le regret d'un certain instant; et les maisons, les routes, les avenues, sont fugitives, hélas, comme les années.

The contradiction that it is to seek in reality the paintings in one's memory, which would always lack the charm that comes to them from memory itself and from their not being perceived by the senses. The reality that I had known no longer existed. It sufficed that Mme. Swann did not appear, all the same and at the same moment, for the Avenue to be another. The places that we have known belong now only to the world of space on which we map them for greater convenience. They were only a thin slice in the middle of the contiguous impressions that composed our life at that time; the memory of a particular image is nothing but the regret for a particular moment; and houses, roads, avenues are fleeting, alas, as the years.



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Vivienne Westwood turns 66 today.

bon easter!

05 April, 2007

03 April, 2007

keith richards

"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father. He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared. It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

02 April, 2007

100 %

100 % full moon
9:01 p.m.
los angeles, california



Your whole chart shows you can't wait to hit the road now that the warmer weather has begun.

At the full moon, April 2, you'll be ready to go a short distance, possibly along with your sister or to visit your sibling. That little jaunt will be fun, but won't fully satisfy your need to get away.

By the new moon April 17, you'll be plotting a longer journey. That new moon will be in Aries, a daring sign, so you may want to plan a trip where you can do lots of strenuous sports like waterskiing, hiking, horse riding, biking, river rafting, and other fun activities.
Mars will leave your relationship sector, so that will go a long way in seeing your relationship interactions improve. However, Mars will enter your eighth house of joint financial matters, so you may have a disagreement with someone over how to appropriate funds, or how to divide funds at the end of a marriage or business. Watch April 29, plus or minus five days, for news that may have been triggered by the March 3 or 18 eclipses.
I realize that it has not been easy to be a Leo over the past months. Saturn, now in Leo, has added many heavy responsibilities on your shoulders since Saturn entered your sign in July 2005. At times you may have felt a little tired from all you've had to do, or even a bit overwhelmed. You are nearing the end of this arduous phase, for in early September Saturn will move on, not to return to Leo for 29 more years. You truly are close to being out of the woods.
One day when a dispute would be very hot will be on or near May 29. This will be a day when disputes will come out of nowhere, so you won't likely see a disagreement coming, not until you're actually in it and on top of it.

The Sun, your ruling star, will have conversations with lots of friendly planets this month, and that's a bonus for you. One of your best days will be April 9 when your creativity AND your love life get a big boost from Jupiter. Pluto will try to give you the same kind help on April 1 - you can decide which day you like best.

Last month was hard on a relationship due to the tense angle of Mars, but Mars is on the move, so this month your interactions will be smoother and less prone to be all encompassing. More importantly, neither of you will be in a tug of war for the upper hand. Let the relationship flow naturally and don't feel you have to dissect it. If you can resist describing it so deeply, you'll both have more fun. In the end, all any of us can do is to take life one thing at a time.



The month begins almost silently, akin to a tiny kitten walking with her soft little paws over newly fallen snow. Mars, Aries' ruling planet, will tour one of your most hidden parts of your chart: your twelfth house, and this will be the case until May 15. If you make a big decision or commitment this month, you might decide to keep it to yourself for a while until all the details are in place.

A relationship that you care deeply about will reach a major culmination in early April. Your star power - and magnetism - will be strong, so chances are, you'll like the sudden, unexpected developments. Venus will be doing her job to make you a magnet for compliments, invitations, and maybe even kisses. All things considered, you've got it made!

If you aren't sure that a certain relationship is right for you, near April 2 you'll have to decide. Keeping to the status quo has never been "you," dear Aries. You want to see progress, and rightly so - forge ahead. A hard breakup is very unlikely. In fact, if you've been dating seriously, you may decide to get engaged just in time for your birthday.

Over the past year, you've come to have a better idea of the kind of partner that would make you happy. Saturn has made you more practical and realistic, and although at times this new realism may shake some of the stardust out of your eyes, your newly acquired perspective will give you a big boost toward romantic success.

As an Aries, you are an independent soul and quite a self-starter who likes the idea of having the upper hand, so the idea of coming together as equals in a romantic relationship may feel a little new for you. Your partner will, of course, find this mighty attractive though, and may see this as evidence of your evolving maturity. If you are ready to make a commitment, then do - this full moon, in marriage-minded Libra on April 2 - will coax you to take the leap. There is no reason to wait.

Your very best moment will come at the new moon in Aries, April 17, which will put control in your hands. How so? Up until now you've had to find a way to fit in with everyone else's plans and schemes. If you even tried to push through your own agenda, you were met with a lot of opposition. That's about to change now, and others will be more likely to meet you half way, and at times, even open up a clear path for you.

It will be important that at the new moon April 17 you are ready to make public all your new plans. Launch your biggest endeavors at that time, both personal and professional in nature, and you'll find success. You'll be ready to do something daringly different, too, as a new moon in Aries is very pioneering. You will want to express your personality assertively. Wait for the second half of April to do so, for if you do, your timing will be right.

You career may make a big leap forward from April 19 onward, thanks to Saturn going direct speed for the first time in months.

Be careful not to have a meltdown on April 29 when you may learn a secret that someone tried hard to keep from you. When you find out what's been going on, you are likely to become very angry. Be philosophical - be glad to know the truth, for now you'll see the character of this certain someone and can plan your life accordingly.

cal crawford

01 April, 2007

Twin Infinitives

Chances Are The Comets In Our Future
Chances are doors that just open up
I don't just carry for nothing
Ten tons of rain in a plastic cup
Tears unknown that fill oceans
Chances are the comets in our future
While others go on living in the past
The future seems farther away than Jupiter
Does appear through the telescopic glass
You can move so many, many times
Our home is everywhere we've been
Some people like to show humility
Others live in dramatic scenes on ships
Instead of feeling their own dealing and partake
They grow invisible as their soul starts to slip
Away from the center of illumination
That old steel-toothed border upstairs